Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Little Big Knitting Project

My boyfriend is a geek.  Now since I love and adore him this is a statement of fact rather than a judgement and I much prefer him staying home nights to play video games because the boy is too handsome and charming to be safe in the big wide world. 
It's become rather fun for me to find geek inspired knitting patterns on Ravelry and when I found the pattern for making the character from his favorite game Little Big Planet, I knew it was meant to be.  My guy is super excited to have his own Sackboy to put on his desk.  I love when I can use something I love to create something he loves, it brings a whole new dimension to my creative satisfaction. 
I've been working on this for a few minutes every night to get back into my knitting groove.  I've got the body done and am almost finished with the head.
The thing that is surprising me is that I am really enjoying this yarn.  I purchased it ages ago and managed to loose the tag for it.  And while it's not jute or hemp it's not anything I would have purchased if it hadn't been perfect for the projects.  But now I'm rethinking my fibers. I've always been more of the super soft, know, cashmere, angora type of fiber girl but this earthy, almost rough yarn is swaying me, I really like it and it's amazing to knit with.
So that's what's on the needles at the moment.  I've got a quilt project in the works but more on that later.

1 comment:

  1. OMG this is so cute, hope you will show us when it's done! :)
