Despite some setbacks...
My mug rug is ready to be put in the post come Monday. For my first undertaking of applique I think it turned out pretty well. Fingers are crossed that my partner will like it as much as you all have said you would (thanks so much!).
I'm trying to get projects finished. My problem is I've got homework that I should be doing, so I sit thinking that I want be working on a sewing project when I'm trying to do homework and when I try to work on a sewing project I sit feeling guilty and think that I should be working on my homework, so neither get done. Schoolwork makes me grumpy, it keeps me away from my projects way too much. Gah, someone remind me how worth it it's going to be once I get my degree.
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my irregular postings. It's so nice to know somebody is out there.
I'm so behind in my blog reading, but I just had to stop and say how lovely your mug rug turned out :)